Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Third Class of OB =)

Alrighttttt! I just had a meeting with my team right after class, i think that we were productive because we spent time to discuss how should we work on the project, and each of us had tasks assigned. Then we decided to have a meeting every week to discuss about our findings or problems we have about the tasks. We will also try to gather all the research and edit/revise the work together, because we would like each one of us to contribute fairly to all parts of the projects. And I believe this is an effective way to proceed as a team. Although each of us have different strengths and weaknesses, but we can't just stick to our strengths for the whole life and just put aside our weaknesses. we need time and effort to improve our weaknesses if they might be critical to our future careers.

In fact, today's lecture about careers was quite interesting, because i had never actually sat down and determine all the skills i have or those that i want to use for my future career. And i believe going to the career centre would definitely help me in finding the right career that fits me based on my interests and skills. And i really enjoy studying in double majors of Management and CCIT, because Advertising/marketing has always been my dream career. I loveeeeeee to create images or anything by using computer and also interested in making commercials in my future. I thought it will be very fun to be a creative director/graphic designer, but after the lecture, i realized that i shouldn't just look at the positive aspects of Advertising, because there is always downsides in different careers. If there is a big list of unfavourable aspects of working in that career comparing to only a few good points, then i might need to consider looking into another career that can suit me more. I also found that it is important to try developing more skills that relate to the career i'm interested in, for example, drawing/painting and photographing etc...It is sad that i just remember i can't really draw very well by hand and i had never taken photography classes before!! =( ...So, i think studying more in those areas would definitely be easier to lead me into the Adveritisng industry!

*One reason that i really love doing design is because getting positive feedbacks from others about my products gives me great motivation and fulfillments to continue =)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Second Class of OB

I think the exercises about my working style when working in a team and the experience of the best team i had encountered were quite useful and interesting. I finally realize how do i usually behave in a group and knowing my weaknesses would definitely urges me to improve in certain areas. So when i get to work in a team next time, i would try to gradually eliminate my weaknesses. (which might be working too slowly and I need to take more time to edit/revise my work)

One of the exercises about describing the best team i had been in made me thought of many projects that I have done in teams. It also reminded me that for the projects that i have worked with my friends, the progress was not as great as the projects that i worked with my classmates( or people i don't know that well) I think it is because since most of my friends know that i value the projects or marks more than they do; therefore, they felt that they did not have that many responsibilities as I do, that is why they did not care that much at all. But i found that I'm more satisfied working with the people i don't know that well, because everyone tried to make good impressions to each other. Also, they contribute fairly because they know if one person does all the work and every member got the same grade, there would be conflicts arise.

I think all team members' personalities and their working styles are important to be known, so that we understand each other better. As a team, everyone should know each others' expectations while working toward the goal. It is always better to listen to every member's ideas and thoughts before making a decision based on one's personal need to achieve his/her own fulfillment. I personally think that making clear guidelines and building a structure/plan before jumping into the project would be a good idea to start with, so nothing "over the boundary" or out of space would happen during the project.
*I'm not totally against working with my friends, but I think it is important to have team members who would be willing to use their expertise and solve any problems along our journey so that, in the end, we can all see products with quality and praise ourselves.


Unluckily i missed the first class of MGM300...=(

But after i read the chapters of the text, i'm really interested in the OB study, because
I know that i would be working in some companies in the future, so it is better to understand
most concepts of OB in order to know how to behave and be effective in teams
which will fasten the pace of accomplishing certain tasks. Also, the techniques of forming
a great team will be very useful once i encounter difficult projects.

My carreer choice has always been Advertising/Marketing, hopefully as i work on the carreer project, it will help me understand more about this field and if it is really the carreer i would like
to pursue on.